Dad's Club

Are You An Awesome Dad?

Become even MORE Awesome by Joining the Dad's Club!

We need dad's who are willing to fundraise for no more than two events per year.  Your awesome fundraising efforts will be used to supply up-to-date classroom technology necessary to keep our students on the cutting edge of innovation and access. Funds also are used for technology training for our teachers who have special interest in furthering technology use is the classroom.

Membership Dues:

Hawk Level - $25

Wildcat Level - $50 (Hat OR Shirt, while supplies last)

Trojan Level - $100  (Hat & Shirt, while supplies last)

Titan Level - $200 (Activity Pass, Hat & Shirt, while supplies last)

ALL IN - $300+  (Activity Pass, Hat & Shirt, while supplies last)

Pay with ZELLE to

Sign Up Here!